Tuesday, December 21, 2004

NationStates game

Okay GUK & GUF, have you seen this game and mentioned it to me?

I wonder if you are interested how I came upon it? I am finally scrolling through my backlog of emails from unschooling mailing lists [ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UnschoolingDiscussion/]... another mum asked others
"I'm trying to recall the title of a book I read...mmm..about six months ago. The premise was a point in the future in which people were so dependent on corporations that employees took on the last name of the company they worked for (ie: Sheila McDonald's or Timothy Nike). One of the early scenes involves a kid getting killed at the mall over some fancy sneakers or something. I don't recall it in much detail at the minute, but it had an interesting premise that is related to a point I'm trying to make in one of my classes, and someone is wanting to read it if I can recall the name of it. "

(I'll have to check out her blog)

Naturally two or three others identified the title she sought and one pointed to the game. No, I haven't given it a go yet, I don't yet have sufficient online time. But I guessed one or both of my favourite uncles would have either tried it or heard of it?

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